Have you ever noticed that when you enter a hotel or a hotel room, or a public bathroom that there is a strong scent surrounding you? Over ...
What to Include In Your Bedroom to Support Good Sleep
It’s no secret that a good sleep is important not only to how you feel on a daily basis, but also your overall health and wellbeing. Sleep ...
3 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda Today
Most people know that soda is loaded with refined sugars, harsh chemicals and harmful ingredients, but the unfortunate truth isn’t keepin...
Transitioning Your Teen Onto The Hallelujah Diet
Teen eating habits are hard to keep up with. Some days they’re following a healthy regimen, other days they’re living off processed snack...
How Does a Diet Change Aid Cancer Prevention
Many people associate cancer with being a hereditary disease that’s unpreventable. However, by making smart lifestyle choices, you can re...
Can House Dust Make You Fat?
We all know that diet and physical exercise are extremely powerful in the fight against obesity. But there is also another important factor...
Speed Up Weight Loss the Healthy Way
There's nothing more frustrating than changing your lifestyle habits only to notice little to no weight loss in return. It takes time, ...
Organic vs. Non-Organic: What’s Better for Your Health?
Following a primarily raw, plant-based diet is a move in the right direction, but it’s only the first step in your journey to optimal hea...
How to Increase Your Energy Without Caffeine
Starting the day with a cup of coffee is a top priority for many people. In fact, according to a survey published by Reuters, 62 percent of...
Do You have Trouble with Slow-Healing Cuts?
Have you noticed that as you age, and you cut yourself or have a wound from another injury, that it seems to take much longer to heal than w...
Vitamins and Minerals to Prioritize During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a life-changing experience for women, giving them the opportunity to bring new life and love into the world. To ensure the b...
7 Ways to Stay Hydrated During the Summer Months
Let’s start by pushing aside the myth that we should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. There is no science behind this belief , ...
Rapid Virus Recovery, A Book by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD
A Commentary by Michael Donaldson, PhD Dr. Thomas Levy has done it again. Following up such blockbuster books like Curing the Incurable: Vi...
How to Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Did you know that 75 million Americans live with high blood pressure? That amounts to 1 in every 3 adults, according to the Centers for D...