Cosmetology school
In the field of cosmetology, keeping clients happy keeps them coming back and brings in new customers.
Happy clients return to your business; unhappy ones do not. Providing great salon services is essential to your shop’s longevity and, as you learned in cosmetology school, making your clients feel important is an absolute necessity.
How You Can Make Your Clients Feel Special
In today’s largely impersonal world, nothing makes your clients happier than to feel special in some way. When clients call to make an appointment, greet them by name and ask how they have been; then set the appointment. If they have a favorite stylist, remember it, and ask if they want to be seen by that stylist at the appointment. When new clients walk through the door, don’t forget to welcome them warmly to the shop. These acts show clients that they are special to you. Sending a simple birthday email or card is another way of acknowledging customers with a personal touch.
Remember the Appointment Belongs to the Client
When someone sits in your chair, he or she owns the hour. Ask clients questions and when they ask about you, answer but keep it short. If they want a new style or color, ask them what they are thinking of, and listen to the answer carefully. They will ask your opinion. Give them an honest answer, but if they disagree, don’t argue the point. Basically, the client is always right.
Enjoy Your Time With Clients
It’s always possible to tell how someone feels. If you had a bad night, got caught in the rain, or had car trouble, leave it at the door of the shop. It has nothing to do with your clients. Remember the power of a smile. You’ll be surprised how many clients will remember that.
Cosmetology school
Find out what works and what doesn’t is easier when you simply ask your clients. Input makes them feel welcome and special.
Ask Clients for Feedback
Nothing is more important than feedback if you run a business. If you are the owner, make it a point to ask clients how their visit went. This has two benefits. It helps you know about flaws in the shop, and it cements the thought that the client’s opinion matters. If they offer a criticism, listen, and if possible, make notes. Assure them you will correct any problems. Don’t make this an empty promise either. Do it. Next visit, they will notice. If they leave a bad review on a social media post, leave a response. Don’t make excuses. Thank them for their input. If their comment is untruthful, address the issue directly but remain courteous.
Make Your Salon Client-Centric
Make sure that everyone holds clients in the same regard that you do. Others have a profound influence on the client. Some shops keep an assortment of rain protection on hand. If it’s raining when the client leaves and they are unprepared, offer them an umbrella. Post a checklist of areas that need to be checked throughout the day such as the restroom. Customers often judge the cleanliness of the shop by this.
Cosmetology school
Continuing education courses are a great way to keep up with the latest trends and techniques in cosmetology.
Continuing Education Is a Way to Keep Customers Happy
Whether it is a new style or a different way to color hair, bringing fresh ideas into the shop are ways to keep clients happy. Face it, clients want to know that you are up-to-date, and going to cosmetology school for CE is a sure-fire way to do that. If you wish, bring along brochures or pictures that outline new styles you’ve learned. Show and tell did not die in elementary school. People love to see pictures that reinforce what you are saying.
Beauty Academy Cosmetology Courses
Join us at Beauty Academy to learn about the courses we offer. Make sure your continuing education requirements are met by taking online courses. Nothing could be easier. Cosmetology courses offered by Beauty Academy are preapproved and are a relaxing and convenient way to study.
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